Neoliberalism and the Moral Economy of Fraud
By:David Whyte,Jörg Wiegratz
Published on 2016-05-26 by Routledge
There is evidence that economic fraud has, in recent years, become routine activity in the economies of both high- and low-income countries. Many business sectors in today's global economy are rife with economic crime. Neoliberalism and the Moral Economy of Fraud shows how neoliberal policies, reforms, ideas, social relations and practices have engendered a type of sociocultural change across the globe which is facilitating widespread fraud. This book investigates the moral worlds of fraud in different social and geographical settings, and shows how contemporary fraud is not the outcome of just a few ‘bad apples’. Authors from a range of disciplines including sociology, anthropology and political science, social policy and economics, employ case studies from the Global North and Global South to explore how particular values, morals and standards of behaviour rendered dominant by neoliberalism are encouraging the proliferation of fraud. This book will be indispensable for those who are interested in political economy, development studies, economics, anthropology, sociology and criminology.
This Book was ranked at 39 by Google Books for keyword the national wealth who gets what in britain.
Book ID of Neoliberalism and the Moral Economy of Fraud's Books is RAs9DAAAQBAJ, Book which was written byDavid Whyte,Jörg Wiegratzhave ETAG "01RvFpPESNo"
Book which was published by Routledge since 2016-05-26 have ISBNs, ISBN 13 Code is 9781317397496 and ISBN 10 Code is 1317397495
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Book which have "264 Pages" is Printed at BOOK under CategoryBusiness and Economics
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