Kamis, 11 Juli 2019

The King of Saxony's Journey Through England and Scotland in the Year 1844

The King of Saxony's Journey Through England and Scotland in the Year 1844
By:Carl Gustav Carus
Published on 2009-12 by General Books LLC

This historic book may have numerous typos and missing text. Purchasers can download a free scanned copy of the original book (without typos) from the publisher. Not indexed. Not illustrated. 1846. Excerpt: ... ON THE NATIONAL WEALTH OF ENGLAND. It cannot be otherwise than interesting to add to the general remarks which I made in the_ chapter upon the characteristics of Great Britain, respecting the power and wealth of the country, a few numerical and statistical notices, particularly in order to make it clear to what an extraordinary extent such a people, with such a history and such means, may increase its riches and its power. I premise that in 1842, the population of Great Britain was as follows: Upon 4132 square miles lived 18,664,800 human beings, giving thus 4512 to the square mile. Scotland contained 1397 square miles, and a population of 2,666,400, thus giving only 1909 to the square mile. In the first place, concerning the industry which prevails in this mass, we find it to be produced: I. By the enormous extension of the manufacturing system; in proof of which I would adduce the following examples: 1. The increase in the manufacture of cotton wares. In the year 1800, 516,000 cwt. of cotton were used; in the year 1840, on the other hand, 3,890,000cwts 2. Its woollen manufacture. This branch of industry requires, In order to communicate a more exact and more extended account of at least one article, and that so important a one as the present, I add the follow ing remarks: --|According to a report of the Board of Trade (in reference to certain rai'ways in Lancashire), there are now concentrated around Manchester, within a space of about fifteen to twenty miles in circumference, more than 1,500,000 human beings, who all, mediately or immediately, obtain their living from the cotton factories in the neighbourhood. The enormous quantity of cotton imported into England (in 1843 amounting to 528,000,000 lbs.; in 1844 to 646,874,816 lbs.) is principally manufa...

This Book was ranked at 12 by Google Books for keyword the national wealth who gets what in britain.

Book ID of The King of Saxony's Journey Through England and Scotland in the Year 1844's Books is J84LvGEvgCcC, Book which was written byCarl Gustav Carushave ETAG "ER9JWduM99Q"

Book which was published by General Books LLC since 2009-12 have ISBNs, ISBN 13 Code is 9781150165870 and ISBN 10 Code is 1150165871

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The King of Saxony's Journey Through England and Scotland in the Year 1844

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